I recently went through all the powders I had that were suitable for 223 rem/ 556 NATO and loaded up 10 round velocity tests for each one. I figured the information might be useful to other Reloaders with all of the shortages we are currently experiencing.
18” White Oak Barrel
Virgin Starline 556x45 Stamped Brass
CCI 400 Primers
55 gr Hornady Softpoint Boattail
2.220” COAL
The red numbers are not pressure indications, just my note for max charges or unlisted / questionable data. None of the below listed loads showed any pressure signs in my rifle on the 45 degree temperature day I shot them.
With the Shooters World Blackout Powder I used the data from the Lovex reloading manual for D063. The listed charges showed much higher velocity than I actually got. But they were using a 23.5” barrel with 1:12“ twist. We’re I had a 18” with 1:8”.

I wish I knew as much about reloading as you or Phil. I hope to get my bench finally done soon so I can get more into it.